ACC Books & Authors
Please find below a selection of titles of works relating to the Anglican Catholic Church. Each clickable link will take you to external websites where you may place your order directly.
Clicking on the Images will tell you a little about the contents.

Anglican Catholic Faith and Practice
Author: The Most Rev Dr Mark Haverland, Metropolitan Archbishop & Acting Primate of the ACC
Anglican Catholic Faith and Practice provides a succinct, yet thorough, introduction to orthodox Anglican belief. Along the way Archbishop Haverland covers topics such as Authority in the Church, the Bible, Church History, the Sacraments and Worship, and Christian Moral Teaching. New material includes sections on the Thirty Nine Articles, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and issues such as medical ethics.
Anglican Catholicism: Unchanging Faith in a Changing World
Author: The Very Rev. Dr. Jonathan Munn, Obl.OSB.
This text seeks to introduce the reader to Anglican Catholicism and explain what Anglican Catholics believe through examples from Sacred Scripture and the Early Church Fathers. The hope is that the reader will have a better understanding of the Anglican Catholic Church and its relationship with Continuing Anglicanism
Whom Seek Ye?
Author: The Very Rev Dr Jonathan Munn. Obl.OSB.
A little guide for those preparing to enter the Anglican Catholic Church, exploring their faith, or perhaps a little curious as to who we are. This book contains exercises to help explain the Catholic Faith as understood by Anglican Catholics.
There is an accompanying work book Available…..
Whom Seek Ye? – The Workbook
Author: The Very Rev. Dr. Jonathan Munn, Obl.OSB.
This is the workbook associated with the Anglican Catholic Church – Diocese of the United Kingdom’s publication Whom Seek Ye? in which those who want to participate in following this introduction to the Anglican Catholic Church may jot their answers to the exercises for discussion and reflection with their Mentors. This workbook can be used as a resource to chart progress in the Catholic Faith, to stimulate beginnings of conversations and to act as the springboard for deeper questions as readers form their own relationships with God.
As it was in the Beginning
Author: The Very Revd Dr Jonathan Munn, Obl.OSB.
It is a consequence of our size that we often have to explain ourselves by answering the same questions. Often we are asked if we are a “real” church. Of course we are. The question is, however, what enquirers mean when they ask us whether we are real. This present little booklet frames the answer to the question by presenting what many would consider to be a “real” church and showing that we are so. We hope that this will provide a quick guide for those who are truly curious as to who we are and are willing to listen to what we have to say about ourselves.
Not in the Communion
Author: The Very Revd Dr Jonathan Munn, Obl.OSB
The website “Anglicans Online” describes the Anglican Catholic Church and its communion partners as not being “in the communion”. This text explores what being “in communion” means and explains why Continuing Anglicans are not part of the Anglican Communion.
In Persona Christi …
Author: The Very Rev. Dr. Jonathan Munn, Obl.OSB
Whilst having the highest regard for all human beings, male and female, the Anglican Catholic Church, like all other parts of the Catholic Church, does not ordain women to the priesthood. Of course, this raises serious questions and this booklet seeks to show why Anglican Catholics hold this belief respectfully in the face of modern opposition.
In Persona Christi …
Author: The Very Rev. Dr. Jonathan Munn, Obl.OSB
Whilst having the highest regard for all human beings, male and female, the Anglican Catholic Church, like all other parts of the Catholic Church, does not ordain women to the priesthood. Of course, this raises serious questions and this booklet seeks to show why Anglican Catholics hold this belief respectfully in the face of modern opposition.
The Ministry of Women in the Anglican Catholic Church
Author: The Very Rev Dr Jonathan Munn, Obl.OSB.
The Anglican Catholic Church is often criticised for not ordaining women into Holy Orders. This book seeks to show that women do have the opportunity to minister in God’s Church and seeks to inspire them into discerning their vocation as part of their expression of the Traditional Catholic Faith.
Mindful of Man, Part I: God, Man and Love
Author: The Very Rev Dr Jonathan Munn, Obl. OSB.
What is man, that thou art mindful of him: and the son of man, that thou visitest him? (Psalm viii.4) How do Anglican Catholics (and, indeed, very many other Christians!) understand God, Man and Love? We can only hold to what God has revealed about Himself in a Faith that has been given once to the saints. The purpose of this essay, then, is to explore the consequences of the dignity of being human in the light of the Catholic Principles. We show that we hold to traditional morality precisely because of the commandments to love God and neighbour, and that this traditional morality is a vehicle for freedom in God as opposed to the slavery to the world that progressive morality brings. We show that the Sanctity of Life is of fundamental importance in bringing our society back to a healthy state once more. We also seek ways in which we can all live in the same society as those with whom we profoundly disagree on the nature of sin. This first part will be concerned with setting up the central and general principles of morality.
A Manual For Priests
First published by the Society of St. John the Evangelist in 1944, the Manual for Priests has become an indispensable resource for parish clergy.
Drawing on sources such as the Authorized Prayer Books of the Churches of the Anglican Communion, the Sarum Missal, and the Paris Missal, the Manual contains prayers, blessings, and minor offices for almost any occasion. Of its utility, its editor, Father Earle Hewett Maddux, writes:
The Occasional Offices and Prayers of the Prayer Book bear witness to the sovereignty of God: that he rules over the whole of life from birth to death, and that no concern of his children can be unimportant in his sight. This is in accord with the teaching of Our Lord as recorded in the Gospels, and with the deepest convictions of the Church from earliest times… For the great needs and the great moments of life there are the seven Sacraments. But the lesser moments, the activities of daily life, these too are hallowed. Certain of the offices and blessings contained in this book are rightly concerned with the things of everyday life.
APA’s version is the Fifth edition, originally published in 1968.
Anglican Missal, Peoples Edition
This edition of the Anglican Missal is an American version of the missal produced in England by the Society of SS. Peter & Paul. Some adjustments were needed to adapt the version from England to use in the United States, but this was all done many years ago by the Gavin Liturgical Foundation.
Anglican Missal, Altar Edition
The new Anglican Altar Missal takes its inspiration from the Anglican Missal in the American edition, published in 1961 by the Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation.
The new Missal contains the Ordinary and Canon from the English (1549), American (1928), South African (1954), Canadian (1962), and Indian (1963) Prayer Books, along with the Gregorian Mass in Latin and in English. A new supplement containing propers for Anglican worthies has been added as well.
Like the original English Missal, produced by the Society of SS Peter & Paul, the interior of this volume features black-and-white drawings by Anglo-Catholic illustrator, Martin Travers.
Anglican Missal, Altar Cards (Central Card)
This handsome set of 3 Altar Cards includes the Canon, the Last Gospel, and the Lavabo Prayers (all shown here), all of which correspond to the text of the Anglican Missal. Printed with black text on heavy paper with a three color border (red, blue, & gold), they are suitable for framing for use on the Altar.