Chaplaincy of St Aelred of Rievaulx, Champgenéteux
Chaplain | The Revd Anthony Chadwick M.Min, FVCM(Th) |
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Phone | 0033 (0) 659561338 |

a blog founded in 2012 and dealing with issues at an accessible level, also reflecting Fr Chadwick’s personal life (sailing, travel, music, etc.).
– a website dedicated to the liturgy, the Use of Sarum in particular, and housing The Blue Flower.
Facebook Group
– a Facebook group to join, dedicated to sharing information and sources about the Use of Sarum.
This Chaplaincy is mainly geared to a ministry of Christian education by means of study and writing at two main levels: via a blog and books (two to date). Fr Chadwick is mainly interested in theological, philosophical and historical topics related to the theme of Romanticism and religion, and how culture can be shaped to receive the Gospel message of Christ. This work radiates from our position in the Anglican Catholic Church to all Christians and thinking folk of good will.
This ministry is made possible through a contemplative life built on the solid rock of the daily Divine Office and the Mass according to the Use of Sarum, tolerated by our Bishop as an alternative traditional Anglican rite. These daily services are offered in a tiny chapel in the priest’s house. This Chaplaincy has been under the Anglican Catholic Church Diocese of the United Kingdom since April 2013 and was recently canonically transferred to the Patrimony of the Metropolitan under the oversight of Archbishop Mark Haverland.